Pipeline Protection Products, Underground Tapes,
Polyethylene Encasement For Ductile Iron Pipe
Pipe Coatings, Pipe Tapes, Cathodic Protection, Safety Products.





Vita-D-Chlor - Vitamin C Dechlorinator

Vita-D-Chlor dechlorinators are the only dechlorinators that utilize Vitamin C chemistry. It is 100% soluble and 100% organic. Unlike dechlorinators made with sulfur compounds, Vita-D-Chlor contains no ingredients that could be toxic to fish or other aquatic life. One Vita-D-Chlor tablet is capable of neutralizing approximately 8500 gallons of water with 1 ppm chlorine. Vita-D-Chlor is well suited for chlorine neutralization in hydrant flushes as well as line flushes of both municipal water and super chlorinated water.

Captor Dechlorination Liquid

is a liquid calcium thiosulfate solution for dechlorination in highly concentrated applications of 50 PPM or more. Captor Dechlorination Liquid is a clear solution with little odor, with a PH in the 6.5 to 7.5 range. Captor is the non-hazardous replacement for Sulfur Dioxide and Sodium Thiosulfate, Sodium Metabisulfate, and Hydrogen Peroxide.




Norweco Dechlorination Tabs

Norweco's Bio-Neutralizer tablets release an environmentally safe dose of sodium sulfite in response to flow velocity. Effectively removing chlorine to non-detectable levels, the sodium sulfite contained in Bio-Neutralizer reacts instantly with chlorine eliminating the need for a secondary contact tank. Extensively used in commercial wastewater treatment, Bio-Neutralizer tablets are also used to remove chlorine from colling towers, potable water plant back flush and fire hydrant flushing. Non-hazardous and not regulated by USEPA, Bio-Neutralizer tablets are available in 25 and 45 lb. DOT approved and child resistant containers.

Northtown Company - 5202 Argosy Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 - Phone: 714-897-0700 - Fax: 714-897-0600